
PySJTU supports Python 3.8+, and there’s no plan to support Python 2. So you need to have Python 3.7 or higher installed.


To install PySJTU, simply use pip:

$ pip install pysjtu

To run captcha recognition locally, install ocr extra dependencies:

$ pip install pysjtu[ocr]

Then follows OCR.

Making Queries#

Begin by importing PySJTU:

>>> import pysjtu

Then, login JAccount and create a client:

>>> c = pysjtu.create_client(username="<username>", password="<password>")
>>> c.student_id


There’s no need to input captcha manually. A built-in captcha recognizer will handle this for you. To customize captcha recognizer, see OCR.

Next, try to get your schedule of the first term in 2019, and print all of your courses:

>>> sched = c.schedule(2019, 0)
>>> sched
[<ScheduleCourse 军事理论 week=[range(9, 17)] day=1 time=range(1, 3)>, ...]

You can fetch your scores, and exam schedule in the same way.

>>> scores = c.score(2019, 0)
>>> exams = c.exam(2019, 0)


Be aware that GPA query and college-wide course search don’t follow this query style:

>>> gpa = c.gpa(c.default_gpa_query_params)
>>> courses = c.query_courses(2019, 0, name="高等数学", day_of_week=1, ...)

For detailed usages, see iSJTU Interface.

Result Content#

PySJTU will deserialize HTTP responses into Result objects.

For all operations you get a list(-like object) containing Result objects as response, for example:

>>> sched[0]
<ScheduleCourse 军事理论 week=[range(9, 17)] day=1 time=range(1, 3)>

And for most queries (except college-wide course searches), there’s an additional pysjtu.models.base.Results.filter() method:

>>> sched.filter(time=range(3,5), day=range(2, 4))
[<ScheduleCourse 程序设计思想与方法(C++) week=[range(1, 10), range(11, 17)] day=2 time=range(3, 5)>,
<ScheduleCourse 大学英语(4) week=[range(1, 17)] day=3 time=range(3, 5)>]

These Result objects offer a developer-friendly interface to query results:

>>> sched[0].name
>>> sched[0].credit

For detailed usages, see iSJTU Models.


By using HTTPX, PySJTU shares the same strict timeout rules with HTTPX. If a connection is not properly established, an exception will be raised.

The default timeout is 5 seconds. This value can be modified:

>>> c.schedule(2019, 0, timeout=1)

And it can completely be disabled:

>>> c.schedule(2019, 0, timeout=None)

For advanced timeout management, see Timeout Configuration.